Friday, December 21, 2012

Fun with Alphas!

Well, I finished off this quarter with 2 A's and a B! Excellent work indeed. My modeling and texturing skills have definitely improved tenfold in the past few months, something I'm very proud of, but I'm not going to go dull over this break. So every day, I'm planning on modeling and texturing an asset or two a day, and at the end of a week, I'll place them all within a level in Unity.

So let us begin! This is my first successful implementation of an alpha map, and I believe this came out quite nicely.

Comments, critiques, all the jazz! Happy holidays!
 - Jason B. Russell

Monday, December 10, 2012

Silhouette Work: Humanoid Robot

Just a little concept work I'm working on for a level I'm gonna be designing over the winter break. Since today's lesson in Advanced 3D Animation is going to correspond directly with what I want to do, I plan on drawing one of these in a turnaround, modeling/texturing, and rigging it to play in my level in Unity. 
I haven't done any silhouette work in a couple quarters, so forgive a few of them. I think 2, 6, 9, and 10 came out pretty well so I'll play with those a bit.

Stay tuned!

 - Jason B. Russell