Friday, October 5, 2012

Level Design I: Concept Art

As promised, here is some concept art for a level I'll be designing this quarter:

 I know the whole Indiana Jones/Nathan Drake-theme here is a bit overdone, but the idea just randomly came to me while I was in another class and I decided to roll with it! So far, it's turning out very nicely. I'll have some more refined concept art up sometime later this weekend hopefully. Until then, keep it posted!

 - Jason B. Russell

Back from the Dead!

Well after a month and a half hiatus from my blog, I am back!

A lot of things have changed since August. First off, a lot of my teachers were laid off ay my school, and it significantly affected my learning (still is, actually). Secondly, I moved into my own apartment outside of school housing (FINALLY) and everything is going smoothly. Even have my own workstation in the dining room!

Class load for the quarter:
Advanced Lighting and Texturing - actually happy to take this class, considering my intro class was... lackluster.
Advanced 3D Animation - same with this one. I've learned so much already!
Level Design I - FINALLY!! I get to take a class dealing with what I've wanted to do since the very beginning.

In the next few days and weeks coming up, I'll be uploading some sketch dumps from life drawing sessions, concept art for some levels I'll be designing, and even some texture work! Keep it posted!

 - Jason B. Russell