Monday, June 4, 2012

Hello viewers!

My name is Jason B. Russell and I attend the Art Institute of Atlanta. I'm an aspiring game designer, with a preferred focus in hard surface modeling, environments, and level design. I have a pretty intermediate understanding of Maya, especially the modeling aspects of it. I'm currently learning Headus UVLayout for unwrapping, because it is suggested to be one of the best applications to do so. I am also learning ZBrush for texture work and normal maps.

What I'm going to have to force myself to do is post something on this blog at least once every week to keep myself on track with what I want to do. Currently I'm working on modeling a couple skyscrapers from a tutorial I received from Digital Tutors, and I'd like to be finished in the next week or so once I get these finals out of the way.

I look forward to critique on my work; I welcome it with open arms! Please let me know how I'm doing and help to keep me on track. I'm highly ambitious and ready to work!

Until next time,

Jason B. Russell

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